Wednesday, August 02, 2017

What happened at the Aug 1 Council meeting? Nothing of significance. Bill to ban decorative rope lighting withdrawn.

If you are going to watch the meeting, you would benefit from a program.  To access the agenda, staff analysis and my commentary on the agenda, follow this link. Below are the meeting highlights.

Bills on Public Hearing.

BILL NO. BL2017-704 would ban rope lighting on a property that adjoins an arterial and collector street everywhere in Davidson County except in the core of downtown Nashville.  This is withdrawn.

BILL NO. BL2017-798 is a rezoning bill in Councilman Syracuse's district. It changes the zoning on a piece of property from RS20 to SP zoning to  to permit an accessory hair salon. It is disapproved by the Planning Commission and that is the only reason I am pointing out this bill.  About a dozen people, neighbors and clients speak in favor. About the same number speak against . One of those speaking against is John Stern, head of the Neighborhood Alliance. Another is neighborhood activist and former Council member John Summers. Councilman Syracurse moves to approve the bill but ask the Council to vote "no."  That is unusual.  It the sponsor opposes it, he should have refused to sponsor it, in my opinion or should have withdrawn it.  He says it is an inappropriate use of SP and agrees with the Planning Commissions disapproval. It fails on a roll call machine vote of  none in favor, 34 "no"s, and two abstentions. 

BILL NO. BL2017-826  in Councilman's Scott's district is a disapproved bill. No one speaks on either side. It passes.
RESOLUTION NO. RS2017-812 is a proposal to make an application for an HIV and STD Prevention in Youth Grant from the National Association of County and City Health Officials to provide funding to develop an implementation plan to prevent HIV and sexually transmitted diseases in youth using Centers for Disease Control school based approaches in collaboration with Metropolitan Nashville Public Schools. At the request of the Committee it is deferred indefinitely. Why, I don't know. 

Bills on Second Reading:

BILL NO. BL2017-687 establishes a process and procedure for naming public buildings, structures and spaces of the Metropolitan Government.  I like this.  I think usually you should have to be dead before you get something named after you. This was deferred from May 2nd and again deferred July 6th at the request of the sponsor to this meeting. It is deferred indefinitely, which means it is killed. The sponsor says he is working with the Historical Commission on this topic and will introduce a new bill that addressees this issue.

BILL NO. BL2017-829  would require the Department of Public Works to replace, at no cost to the homeowner, government-supplied waste containers that are stolen, lost, or damaged beyond repair. Currently if someone runs over your waste container at the back of your house on the alley, or if someone steels it, the homeowner has to pay to replace it. I do not think that is fair. I support this bill. It is deferred one meeting.
Bills on Third Reading: The only one of interest is BILL NO. BL2017-719  which is only important because it is a bill disapproved by the Planning Commission.  It changes from R6 to SP zoning on property located at 2407 Brasher Avenue to allow a recording studio. The sponsor points out that this recording studio has been there for 25 years. The bill is deferred to the first meeting in September. It will take 27 votes to pass.  

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