Saturday, September 16, 2017

Andy Ogles to challenge Bob Corker

by Cari Wade Gervin, Nashville Post - Andy Ogles, the former head of the Tennessee chapter of

Andy Ogles
Americans for Prosperity, announced Thursday he will run in the Republican primary for Senate in 2018. .... Ogles, a Williamson County native, is the first high profile Republican to announce a challenge to U.S. Sen. Bob Corker — although Corker still won't confirm that he's running for a third term. Corker has hired Ward Baker to run a possible campaign and has been fundraising; in recent days Corker's campaign Twitter account has become more active and his campaign website has been rebooted. However, Corker told CNN a few days ago that he was contemplating retiring from public office, and a source close to the senator confirmed to the Post that Corker still remains genuinely conflicted as to his decision. .... If Corker does run, he has plenty of money with which to do so — over $6.5 million on hand in his campaign account at the end of June. But Ogles, who worked as a national deputy director for Newt Gingrich's presidential campaign in 2012, will likely utilize his AFP ties for fundraising. .... Rep. Joe Carr, who ran a close challenge to U.S. Sen. Lamar Alexander in 2014 and lost a lopsided challenge to U.S. Rep. Diane Black in 2016, is seriously considering a run for Corker's seat. (link)

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