Wednesday, September 06, 2017

DACA phase-out puts onus on Congress, where it should be

Nashville, Tennessee, Latinos for TennesseeYesterday the Trump administration announced the phasing out of the Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals (DACA) program over the next six months. Former President Barack Obama enacted DACA by Executive Order in 2012 in order to delay deportation for illegal immigrants brought to the United States when they were young. In President Trump's announcement, he emphasized that Congress has the responsibility to address immigration reform with a long-term legislative solution.
In response to this announcement, Raul Lopez, Executive Director of Latinos for Tennessee commented, "As I've said in the past, we are a country of immigrants, as well as a country of laws. We cannot live in a free and fair society without the rule of law. President Trump did the right thing by restoring constitutional powers to their proper place-giving legislative authority to the legislature, and phasing out DACA until Congress asserts its legislative authority and works out a permanent fix to this emotionally-charged issue."
Lopez went on to add, "Critics of today's decision should not lose sight that by acting unilaterally, former President Obama directly contributed to this dysfunction. The former president could have worked with Congress, including Republicans on Capitol Hill, to craft immigration policy that would honor our immigrant heritage and the rule of law."
"Rather than kicking the can down the road again, Congress must craft immigration reform that will strengthen our border and end illegal immigration, but also deal compassionately with the children who came here at no fault of their own. Today's decision will allow Congress to take up the issue."
Democrats and Republicans have both expressed hope that the six-month delay in implementation will give Congress time to find consensus for a long-term solution.
Latinos for Tennessee is a statewide organization committed to protecting and promoting faith, family, freedom and fiscal responsibility. For more information, visit

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1 comment:

  1. "Barack Obama enacted DACA by Executive Order in 2012." I went looking for the text of Executive Orders in 2012 and found nothing. Can anyone find a copy of anything other than a memo signed by Janet Napolitano in June 2012?
