Tuesday, September 05, 2017

Mayor Barry is wrong. Trump is not "slaming the door" on DACA.

Mayor Barry Statement on End of DACA 

September 5, 2017- Mayor Megan Barry has released the following statement after the Trump administration announced their intention to end the Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals (DACA) program initiated by President Barack Obama:
The decision by President Trump to slam the door on hundreds of thousands of DREAMers across the nation is heartbreaking. Many of these children and young adults who are  DACA recipients have only ever known the United States as their home. They deserve the chance to gain an education, earn a living, and continue contributing to our community without fear or threat of deportation. I would urge Congress to recognize this and immediately pass legislation that restores DACA as the law of the land.
DACA recipients, as well as people wishing to learn more or take action to support DACA, are encouraged to contact Conexión Américas by emailing DACA@conexionamericas.org or calling (615) 320-5152.

Background on DACA provided by Conexión Américas:

The DACA program is an executive order announced by President Obama in 2012. DACA allows certain young people, often referred to as Dreamers, who came to the United States as children to qualify for protection from deportation proceedings and remain in the country. Young people who are approved for DACA receive a Social Security Number to be able to obtain employment and, in some states - including Tennessee - can get a driver’s license. DACA provides protection for two years, and individuals can reapply when close to their expiration date.

Over its five-year history, DACA has allowed over 800,000 young people to pursue higher education, earn better wages, own homes, start businesses, and more. Out of those who have been approved for DACA, over 700,000 are currently working. Repealing DACA would mean that the United States economy would lose an average of 7,234 workers every week. Without DACA, we would lose over $460.3 billion from the national GDP over the next decade.

In Tennessee, over 8,300 young people have received DACA. The Migration Policy Institute estimates that another 6,000 young people would be eligible for DACA in Tennessee when they turn 15 years old. Rescinding DACA would mean Tennessee would lose over $347.3 million annually in our state GDP.

My Comment:  President Trump is not "slamming the door" on DACA.  Slamming the door on DACA would be the immediate repeal. He is slowly, gently closing the door and giving Congress time to keep the door open by legally implementing DACA.  DACA was implemented as an unconstitutional executive overreach.  I do not disagree with the DACA policy but the President does not have the authority to rewrite immigration law. The policy should have been implemented legally by Congress.  How would liberals like it if Trump simply repealed Obamacare by executive action?  There is a reason we have three branches of government. The president is not a king who can rule by royal decree.   Congress should now act to extend DACA, either making it permanent or extending it for a period of time until a comprehensive immigration policy can be adopted.

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