Monday, September 25, 2017

Metro Council Ad Hoc Committee Meeting on Regulation of STRP's (Airbnb, homesharing)

Metro government is on the verge of rolling back the rights of people who want to engage in home sharing.  While we do not yet know for certain what is in the final bill, it is apparently going to phase out all short term rental of  property except for the type where the space for rent is in one's own home. For those who have an interest in this issue, you may want to attend this committee meeting.

Metro Council Ad Hoc Committee Meeting on Regulation of STRP's

9/27/2017,  5:00 PM - 6:00 PM
Location: Historic Metro Courthouse. 1 Public Square, Jury Assembly Room, Nashville, TN 37201
For more information please contact council-at-large Jim Shulman.

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