Thursday, September 21, 2017

Nashville transit future better off without trains

Malcolm Getz
Malcolm Getz who is an associate professor of economics at Vanderbilt University, specializing in urban economics and public finance writes in today's Tennessean that Nashville' transit future would be better off without trains. Please read the piece. Below are the main points made by Mr. Getz.
  • An increase in transit travel will not reduce congestion.
  • Express lanes reduce congestion and support transit.
  • Street railways add to congestion at choke points with restricted lanes.
  • Street railways are expensive to build. With limited routes, many travelers face transfers between buses and trains. 
  • A train costs twice as much per hour to operate as a bus. Spending more for trains means Metro will have to reduce bus service.
  • Use of transit is falling where on-demand car services are growing.
  • With falling prices in car services, fewer travelers will choose transit.
In my view the mayor is proposing building a system from the past when we should be embracing innovation, market-driven solutions and technology. For more on my thoughts on transit follow this link.

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