Sunday, September 24, 2017

State Senator Mark Green To Speak Tuesday At First Tuesday

From Tim Skow:

1ST TUESDAY Members and friends,

Senator Corker's announcement has stirred a myriad of political conversations, speculations, moved and for some ..... certainly turned over their apple carts!!

Image result for senator mark green
Senator Mark Green

IN THE MIDDLE of our state's ''Political Deck Being Shuffled'' is our featured speaker on Tuesday... State Senator Mark Green.

Tuesday's 1ST TUESDAY will be immensely insightful featuring on of the key players who knows 1ST-HAND what is really going on !!

Buckle your seat belts folks!!! Its going to be an amazing 10+ months till all August 2018 primaries!!

Make your plans, pass the word and secure your seats as 1st Tuesday Nashville! Hope to see you on Tuesday...

Tim Skow
Remember -- 1] parking under the building is $7
2] [as of now] our DEC meeting is Monday, DEC 4th w/ Marsha Blackburn

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