Wednesday, September 20, 2017

What happened at the Council meeting of 9/19/2017? Nothing of any significance.

There is not much of importance on the agenda. There were no contentious bills and everything passes or is deterred. To access a copy of the Council agenda the Council staff analysis and my commentary on the agenda follow this link. Below is a summary of the meeting.

At the start of the meeting their is presentation honoring Metro Libraries. The Metro Li bray was awarded an honor by some organization as library of the year. Following that, there was a presentation honoring the Metro Police school guard crossing division.  Consideration of the agenda does not start until timestamp 18:40 in the video.

Changes to the rules of the Council were adopted on a voice vote with little discussion. The changes gives the Council more time to consider the Capital Improvements budget and to submit request.

Three people are elected by the Council to serve on the Industrial Development Board. There were four nomination. Elected were Ginger Hauser, Lindsey Cox, and Cristina Allen.

This is the meeting at which the Council nominates from among their own people who will serve on various boards and commission.  Some Boards and Commission require a council member to serve on the Board.  The Council also appoints some members to other Boards.  Nominations were made at this meeting and the positions will be filled next meeting. The actual consideration of legislation does not begin until timestamp 39:27 in the video.

RESOLUTION RS2017-779, RESOLUTION RS2017-780 and  RESOLUTION RS2017-781 all of which deal with the temporary closing of right of ways and the fees charged for getting a permit to close a right-of-way are deferred to the second meeting in December.

RESOLUTION RS2017-882 is a memorialize resolution, which simply expresses an opinion of the Metro Council, asking the news media to show greater sensitivity and decorum regarding reports of juvenile deaths. This passed on the consent agenda.

BILL NO. BL2017-801  on Second Reading, which  imposes additional requirements for any public right of way closure permit exceeding a six month period and requiring a quarterly report be provided to members of the Council regarding all right-of-way closures passes.

BILL NO. BL2017-802, on Second Reading, which increases the penalties for an improper right-of-way closures is deferred to the second meeting in October.

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