Friday, September 01, 2017

Will You Affirm or Deny the Nashville Statement?

By David Fowler,  Family Action Council of Tennessee (FACT) - This week a group of evangelical heavyweights met in Nashville and released a document called the "Nashville Statement." It speaks to the issues of human sexuality rooted in the psalmist's declaration that it is God "who has made us, and not we ourselves." Not just the content but the structure of the statement itself was important. Its structural importance was brought home by Nashville Mayor Megan Barry's response to it.

 ... Mayor Barry tweeted that the Statement “does not represent the inclusive values of the city (and) people of Nashville.” 

Perhaps it does not. But that Mayor Barry responded is significant. The Statement was theological in nature, not political, so by responding, Mayor Barry, consciously or unconsciously, recognized that the theological always has implications for the political. 

 And so, with its inclusion of denials, the Nashville Statement left Mayor Barry with no room to accept its affirmations and still politically embrace homosexual marriage and sexual self-identification. Read more

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