Tuesday, October 31, 2017

Diane Black attacks Randy Boyd with cheap shots.

In a recent statement, Representative Diane Black, candidate for governor,  criticized candidate for governor Knoxville businessman Randy Boyd for his failure to support Donald Trump before he became the Republican presidential nominee, for a $250,000 donation to Conexion Americas, for his past support of Common Core, and for a campaign contribution to a Democrat  member of the state Supreme Court running in a nonpartisan race. She also made a snide remark criticizing Boyd for short running shorts. As part of his campaign strategy Randy Boyd is running across the state. Read more about this at this link: Black launches latest broadside in Tennessee governor's race. 

It is too early for me to make up my mind about who I will support for governor, but Diane Black was my preferred candidate at this time by a slim margin. This was a cheap shot in my opinion however, and she dropped a little in my estimation.

I am also critical of Randy Boyd's support of Conexcion Americas.  Actually, I think the organization does a great deal of good work, but they did favor Nashville becoming a sanctuary city.  If Randy Boyd had only contributed $25,000 I would overlook it but a quarter of million dollars is lot of money. Before making that kind of contribution he should have properly vetted the organzation.

The fact that he did not support Trump until after he got the nomination, in my mind is a plus not a negative. Many Republicans were early supporters of Common Core. It started as a state initiative and it was only after the Obama administration began an attempt to mandate it, that a lot of people turned against it. The short running shorts remarks is just silly and a cheap shot.

I want the candidates to try to convince me that they are the best candidate to continue the progress of the last eight years.  I want them to tell me how they will govern the state. I do not want to see negative attacks against other candidates, at least not this early in the game.

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1 comment:

  1. Republican only voters from MTSU Poll
    Net approval rating:
    Harwell 24%
    Boyd 18%
    Black 16%
    Beavers 8%
    Lee 8%
