Monday, October 09, 2017

Diane Black: President Trump’s Immigration Principles are a Strong Step to Securing Our Border and Keeping Americans Safe

Press release, Nashville, TN – Today, Diane Black released the following statement regarding the immigration principles released by President Trump yesterday:

“I applaud President Trump for taking a strong step to secure our borders and keep Americans safe. The President has been consistent in his efforts to stop illegal immigration and make sure that we put Americans first. I support him and I hope every Republican does the same.

I’m glad the President has included some of the provisions from my bill with Senator Toomey (H.R.400 -  Stop Dangerous Sanctuary Cities Act) to end sanctuary cities and make sure that liberal politicians around the country can’t ignore the law and put their citizens in danger. It’s something we need to do, and I support President Trump’s efforts to do it.”

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