Monday, October 16, 2017

Nashville GOP chair urges voters to contact their councilman and voice concern over the soccer deal

From the Davidson County Republican Party:

A Note from our Chairman:
As everyone has seen in the news lately regarding the proposal of the new MLS Stadium at the Fairgrounds, the Mayor and this administration in the next month will be voting to do the following:
  1. Approve a new MLS Stadium to be built on the Fairgrounds using 10 acres and giving 10 acres of the land to the developer for private mixed-use development
  2. Thru the Sports Authority (metro entity) issue $225 MILLION in bonds for the construction of the stadium (basically co-signing for the Ingram-led investment group).
Whether or not you support efforts to bring a MLS team to Nashville, we must make sure any proposal does not leave Nashville taxpayers on the hook for cost overruns or revenue shortages, or give away/lease city land without ensuring it benefits and meets the needs of Nashvillians.  

I urge everyone to email or call your councilman, or email all the council members at, to voice your concerns over this project. 

Read the Mayor's formal proposal here and learn more about this issue below: 

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