Friday, October 06, 2017

State Sen. Mark Green to run for congressional seat U.S. Rep. Marsha Blackburn is vacating

by Joel Ebert and Jordan Buie, The Tennessean - Tennessee state Sen. Mark Green will run for Congress, reversing a previous decision not to seek higher office this year in light of U.S. Rep. Marsha Blackburn's own run for the U.S. Senate.  

"As a proven conservative fighter, I am ready to earn the trust of the voters and take my values and leadership to the United States Congress," Green said in a statement.

Green said he was surprised by the lack of results in a GOP-led Congress, especially given the party's promises of repealing the Affordable Care Act, lower taxes and addressing immigration.

"When Republicans hold majorities in Congress, it's time to lead, not have more committee hearings and protect special interests. The time for appeasement is over."

Green's entry came moments after Blackburn announced her Senate run Thursday. Both decisions came after Gov. Bill Haslam released a statement saying he will not run for Senate in 2018. (read more)

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