Tuesday, October 24, 2017

Who is running for Beth Harwell's seat? Repubs' Joseph Williams, and Brent Moody; Dem' Bob Freeman.

Joseph William
With Beth Harwell vacating her House seat to run for governor, this creates a vacancy for the seat she now holds. The seat is a rare Republican stronghold in overwhelmingly Democratic Davidson County. The seat encompasses Belle Meade, Greenhills, Oak Hill, and Forrest Hills. It is one of the top districts in the country for big Republican donors.

Seeking to fill the seat is Joseph Williams a Nashville attorney formerly with the conservative Christian public interest law firm of American Center for Law and Justice and a former teacher at Whites Creek High School with Teach for America. Also seeking the seat is Republican Nashville surgeon Brent Moody.  Seeking the seat as a Democrat is Bob Freeman son of Democrat super fund raiser and real estate developer and former candidate for mayor Bill Freeman.

For more details, see the following.
The Tennessean: Republican Joseph Williams to run for Beth Harwell's Tennessee House seat
The Tennessean: Nashville surgeon to run for House Speaker Beth Harwell's District 56 seat
Website: Joseph Williams

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