Thursday, November 16, 2017

Battle Heats Up Over Some Short Term Rentals In Nashville

WTVF, NASHVILLE, Tenn. - The battle has heated up over regulations for short term rentals like Airbnb in Nashville.

Two Metro Council Members are proposing an amendment that would temporarily stop the issuing of new city permits for non-owner occupied short term rental properties. ....Burkley Allen....

.... However, the Beacon Center of Tennessee is calling for the state legislature to get involved in the regulations.  President Justin Owen said the issue comes down to property rights for Nashvillians, and Metro leaders are taking the wrong approach.

“Instead of trying to clarify the law and focus on the real problem, here they are trying to tell even more people not to rent out their homes,” said Owen.  “They are trampling on the property rights of even more people.”

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