Saturday, November 11, 2017

Dr. Arthur B. Laffer Endorses Mark Green for Congress

Arthur Laffer
Arthur Laffer
Press release,  FRANKLIN, Tenn. Dr. Arthur B. Laffer announced his endorsement of Dr. Mark Green for Congress today. The father of supply side economics and architect of the Reagan Administration’s economic policies, Laffer’s policy ideas led to the economic growth of the 1980s.

“As a Tennessean, I’ve witnessed firsthand Mark’s leadership for pro-growth policies in the State Senate. With great tenacity and courage, Mark led the fight to repeal the Hall Income Tax, making Tennessee one of only two states that has ever repealed an income tax of any kind. The U.S. Congress needs Mark Green’s leadership,” stated Laffer.

An Army veteran, physician, and businessman, Green has attracted support from conservatives across Tennessee and the country. He has been endorsed by the Club for Growth, FRC Action, the House Freedom Fund, and conservative leaders across Tennessee.

“I’ve looked up to Art Laffer ever since I was a student of economics at West Point. His work has sparked so much growth throughout our country’s history, and Tennesseans are better off because of it,” commented Green.

For more information on Dr. Mark Green, please visit:

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