Monday, November 27, 2017

Sen. Ted Cruz Endorses Dr. Mark Green for Congress

 Conservatives continue to coalesce behind Green

Press release, FRANKLIN, Tenn. – Senator Ted Cruz (R-Tex.) announced his support for Dr. Mark Green’s campaign for Congress today. The runner-up in the 2016 Republican presidential primary both in Tennessee and nationwide, Cruz’s campaign in the state was widely recognized for its deep grassroots organization.

“I’m proud to endorse State Sen. Mark Green for Congress, and am confident his business and military experience, coupled with his conservative core convictions, will equip him to quickly become a highly effective member,” said Cruz. “I know I can count on Mark to consistently promote job growth, expand freedom, and preserve security for the citizens of Tennessee and every American.”

An Army veteran, physician, and businessman, Green has attracted support from conservatives across Tennessee and the country. He has been endorsed by the PACs of the Club for Growth, Family Research Council, and House Freedom Caucus. Green has also received endorsements from Senator Rick Santorum, Dr. Arthur B. Laffer, and 100 conservative leaders across Tennessee. Green also recently announced his campaign team, which is led by the former state directors for President Trump and Senator Cruz’s presidential campaigns, and includes a former State Party Chair, and former the president of Yes on 1.

“As one of our country’s most principled and courageous conservative leaders, Senator Cruz has led the fight to make D.C. listen to the American people. From leading the fight to repeal Obamacare to standing up for the Constitution, Ted Cruz has inspired millions of Americans, and I look forward to joining him in the fight in Washington,” noted Green.

For more information on Dr. Mark Green, please visit:

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