Friday, November 24, 2017

Marsha Blackburn is First Tuesday guest on Monday Dec. 4th

From Tim Skow, host of First Tuesday:

1ST TUESDAY Members and friends.
Are YOU coming Monday ?
Congressman MARSHA BLACKBURN returns MONDAY...Dec 4th...This time as a candidate for the US SENATE !
''YUUUUGGE" topics including... but not limited to:

1] TAX Reform !!
2] DEMs threat of Federal Government SHUT DOWN on Dec 8th!
3] The coming SENATE primary vs former Congressman Fincher
4] North Korea, China and Russia
5] Roy Moore vs Mitch McConnell .... and MORE ! 

Who knows what else will spring up by Monday? Michael Flynn? 
This 1ST TUESDAY will be NOT be your typical Christmas Party!

Doors open at 11am. Event is $20 for Members $25 for Guests.
Program starts at NOON sharp. Q&A concludes at 1:00pm.
Secure seating for you [and guests] at
[  SOME are having trouble with the $25 GUEST icon. IF you do, then use the $25 DUES icon ]

Just a reminder of the 1ST TUESDAY ''Happy News'' of this season.
Those AT LUNCH .... who contribute $50 ...or more $$ ... To the Nashville Republican Women's toy fund drive on behalf of the children of TN National Guard members will have their 2018 dues waived!

SECURE your seats! PASS the word! and ''JOIN US'' for a RED HOT Holiday version of 1ST TUESDAY ... on Monday, Dec 4th !

See you then ... if not before!
Tim Skow
Host of 1ST TUESDAY !

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