Wednesday, December 27, 2017

Nashville Democratic state Sen. Thelma Harper rated more conservative than Republican Steve Dickerson

by Dave Boucher, USA TODAY NETWORK - Tennessee - A Nashville Democrat in the Tennessee state senate recently earned a higher rating from a national conservative organization than one of her Republican colleagues. 

Sen. Thelma Harper, D-Nashville, earned a 79 percent rating from the American Conservative Union, a national advocacy organization that typically helps elect Republicans. The ACU gave state Sen. Steve Dickerson, R-Nashville, a 78 percent rating. (link)

My Comment: Congratulations Thelma Harper for being a common sense Democrat, maybe the last of a breed, who puts her constituents and her country ahead of her party.  I have not looked at the details of the ACU scoring and don't know where Dickerson may have fallen short of the ACU's standards but I am not concerned.  I know Steve Dickerson to be a thoughtful conservative who reflects the views and values of his constituents. 

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