Wednesday, December 27, 2017

Sen. Jack Johnson Endorses Dr. Mark Green for Congress

Press release - Today, State Senator Jack Johnson announced his endorsement of Dr. Mark Green for Congress. The Chairman of the Senate Commerce Committee, Johnson has represented Williamson County since 2007.

“Having worked side by side with Mark Green, I have witnessed his principled and effective conservative leadership firsthand,” noted Johnson. “With all the dysfunction going on in Congress today, we need to send someone to Washington who will represent us as well as Congressman Marsha Blackburn has. Mark is the perfect man for the job.”

Green has coalesced the support of Republicans across the spectrum. Nationally, he has received the endorsements of the Club for Growth, Family Research Council, and House Freedom Caucus, GOPAC, Senator Ted Cruz, Senator Rick Santorum, and Dr. Arthur B. Laffer. In Tennessee, Green recently announced the endorsements of 100 conservative leaders across Tennessee, and a 147-member finance committee, including 14 legislators who represent all 19 counties in the 7th district.
“I’ve been proud to serve alongside Jack Johnson in the State Senate. Jack is one of our finest leaders, and both Williamson County and Tennessee have benefited tremendously from his leadership,” remarked Green.

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