by Rep. Susan Lynn from a Facebook post - Hi all, I just want to let you know some facts about the Governor's
proposal today.
The Governor's plan is revenue neutral but that is not
what I am seeing in the news tonight.
We received a lot of
information today and I will post it as soon as I can turn the PDFs into
JPGs – the press release is below.
You know that I would not
vote to raise your taxes. In fact, I have never voted for a single tax
increase, and I have voted to lower our taxes many times. One thing I
really dislike is intellectual dishonesty – if that is what is going on
let me try to put an end to it.
In Tennessee we have always
two principles when it comes to funding our roads - we build
Tennessee's roads with cash, and Tennessee's funding sources for the
roads, the gas tax, diesel tax, rental car tax etc., operate strictly as
user fees. In other words,
those who use the roads pay for the roads -
and what each pays is proportional to actual usage.
Tennessee has been experiencing very large budget surpluses partly
because of growth and partly because of good management. The $1 billion
you hear about comes from unspent funds in state departments and
lawsuit victories that Tennessee has won - but unspent money and lawsuit
proceeds is one time money not growth in revenue. The $300-400 million
dollars we hear about comes from over collections of tax revenue from
what was budgeted which means it is actual growth – however some of
those collections are from recurring funds sources and some of is from
non-recurring fund sources.
As anyone knows, we cannot spend
non-recurring funds for recurring expenses. The various taxes that have
been bringing in more tax revenue than we have budgeted to spend are
not related to the road fund.
Our road construction needs
are great in Mt. Juliet and Lebanon - indeed - in the entire state. The
Governor had wanted to simply raise the gas tax however a group of us
has been supporting a revenue neutral adjustment to the tax collections.
That way the over-collections we are experiencing will be reassigned
in a revenue neutral way to the road fund and in a way that supports our
two main principles for our road construction – pay with cash and users
pay for the roads - e.g. we do not want food taxes or the Hall Income
tax building our roads. Road building should remain funded by those who
use the roads.
The Governor's proposal today is a revenue
neutral proposal. It proposes lowering taxes in areas where we have had
large surpluses and proportionally adjusting the taxes that fund our
Please write me back and tell me what you think. I
have served you for a long time. I have never raised your taxes. I
have stood for family values and told you the truth. Please let me
know, do you support the idea of a revenue neutral approach because I
can tell you that we really do have great infrastructure needs in Mt.
Juliet and Lebanon - people have died, people have had accidents, people
lose time in their day that they could spend with their families. I can
also tell you that due to inflation, improved gas mileage and electric
and natural gas vehicles the road fund is not meeting the needs of our
fast growing state. It is just policy, there are many things we could
do including doing nothing at all but that won’t help Providence or
North Mt. Juliet. And I hope you don’t support a tax increase but
rather that you support a revenue neutral way to direct tax dollars to
the road fund.
I am very proud to serve on the House Finance
Committee where we will be debating the Governor’s proposal, and I will
work hard to make sure that any increase in revenue to the State Road
Fund account is truly revenue neutral with comparable cuts to other
taxes so that we can get the roads we need in Mt. Juliet and Lebanon
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