Friday, September 08, 2017

Save an Urban Park, Greenspace & History in Nashville, TN. Sign the petition.

Nashville's growth is unprecedented. As a 6th generation Nashvillian, in many ways I believe it is marvelous  - but I also want to look out for our city for the long term.

As fate would have it, 102 years ago my Great-Grandfather founded the Tennessee Ornithological Society (today the oldest conservation group in the southeast) and went on to play an important role in wresting Radnor Lake from the path of developers and into what it is today - an absolute treasure for our community. To honor him, they named the highest point in the park, Ganier Ridge.

Today, I believe we are at the same crossroads. With thousands of new apartment units and homes in development within 2 miles of Ft. Negley we have an historic opportunity to create a new urban oasis - the Radnor Lake of our time.

In doing so, we can also, finally, honor many generations of African Americans in Nashville - from the time of enslavement to generations when this neighborhood was, and is, home to important African American heritage.

Join me. Sign the petition today - demand that an option for KEEPING this Green Space GREEN is considered in an OPEN and TRANSPARENT way for ALL of Nashville.

Alice Ganier Rolli
District 17 Resident

PS There is more information & expert opinions available here:
This petition will be delivered to:
  • Mayor of Nashville
    Mayor Megan Barry
  • At-Large Council Member
    Councilman Jim Shulman
  • At-Large Council Member
    Councillady Erica Gilmore

My Comment:  I am pleased to see that Nashville has restored and saved Fort Negley.  For 60 years Fort Negley sat hidden and inaccessible until reopened in 2004 and then with the overgrown site serving as a homeless camp, many did not even know about it and those who did may have been hesitant to visit because the park had been taken over by homeless who build shacks and camped out in the park.

I am pleased that the homeless camp has been removed and the site cleared.  The site is now an asset to the city.  Not only is it worth saving because it is historic but this site along with other area civil war era and other historic sites serve as another reason for tourist to visit our city.  For those who do visit Nashville, the more we have to offer, the greater are the chances that tourist may be enticed to stay an extra day. The bedrock that made Nashville a tourist destination was music, but sports, fine dining, historical sites, and lakes and outdoor recreation are things that can enhance Nashville as a tourist destination.

Now that the site is restored, we now need to enhance this historical treasure by returning the site that was Geer stadium to park land. Viewed from the fort, the area that is now Greer Stadium sticks out like a sore thumb.  So will any development on that site. There should be a clear view from the fort to the roadways.  I realize it is valuable piece of land but with Nashville growing by leaps and bounds it is important to preserve open spaces.  There is no more logic to developing this corner of Fort Negley Park than there would be to building a hotel in a corner of Centennial Park.

For more on the history of Fort Negley, follow this link. Please join me in petitioning Mayor Barry and members of the Council to stop the development of Fort Negley Park.  Follow this link to sign the petition.

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Thursday, September 07, 2017

Southeast Nashville Conservatives' Breakfast Saturday, September 16

 Shoney's Thompson Lane @ Nolensville Road
 Dutch treat breakfast & social 8:30 am - 9:00 am. Program 9:00 am - 10:00 am.

A VERY SPECIAL PROGRAM.  We are honored to have some of Nashville's finest First Responders from our Fire Department who have recently returned from helping in Houston after hurricane Harvey!

Hosted by Robert Duvall & Pat Carl

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Bob Corker says the President is Right to Want DACA Resolved Legislatively

On Tuesday, Senator Corker released the following statement regarding the Trump administration’s plan to end the Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals (DACA) program.

"The president is right to want this issue to be resolved legislatively,” said Corker. “Hopefully, while addressing it, we also will deal with a myriad of other issues that need to be corrected with our broken immigration system, including enhancing enforcement and security measures.”

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Wednesday, September 06, 2017

What happened at the Council meeting of 9-5-17: More corporate welfare passes, more time to drink beer passed, the Council advocates for DACA, condemns bigotry and not much else.

Not anything happens at this council meeting that makes it worth your time to view the video. I have not notated any timestamps. To access the council agenda, the council staff analysis of the meeting and my commentary on the agenda, follow this link.

This is the first council meeting of this year with new committee chairmen and new committee members having taken on their new responsibilities. This will likely have no policy implications but for lobbyist and community activist, and members of the press and council members themselves and those who regularly interact with the council they will have to learn who the new power players are all over. If you actually watch the Council meetings you will notice that different people are delivering the committee reports. Below I have highlighted the most important legislative actions of the night and have summarized the meeting.

There are 14 appointment to Boards and Commission on the agenda and all are approved without any dissension.

Public hearing. 
I zip though the public hearing at double speed because most item on public hearing are very local and are of concern to no one but the neighbors who live in the vicinity of proposed rezoning so I may miss something that is important to you but is not important to me, so if you are looking for the result of a zoning proposal in your neighborhood, you may want to watch the video for yourself. I point out those that are particularly controversial or are disapproved by the Planning Commission or for some other reason I find to be important.  Below are the zoning items that I think are were worth noting.

BILL BL2017-770 is a bill that was approved by the Planning Commission and the sponsor moves to defer indefinitely. Why? When that happens I think the sponsor should explain why the bill is being killed.  Was it at the request of the applicant or because of neighborhood opposition or some other reason?

BILL BL2017-784   by Robert Swope would establish a maximum permitted height of ten feet for electric fences within any zoning district where electric fences are permitted. This is withdrawn and that was the recommendation of the Planning Commission.

BILL BL2017-824 is another bill in which the Planning Commission recommendation is for the bill to be withdrawn. It is.

BILL BL2017-849  is a bill in Councilman Scott Davis' district that was  disapproved as submitted but approved with a substitute proposed by the Planning Commission/ The sponsor did not substitute. The request is to rezone from R-5 to R-6. The Planning Commission wanted a zoning of R-6A which would provide for certain design standards. The sponsor moves approval of the bill and says he will be bringing a rezoning request to rezone the property to R-6A to the Council. I assume that means the bill will be substituted at third reading. If not substituted to a bill calling for R-6A zoning then the bill would quire 27 votes on third reading rather than a simply majority of those voting. It passes on second reading.

BILL BL2017-852 in Councilman Mary Carolyn Roberts district would expand an Urban Zoning Overlay District by 1591 acres.  This is a huge expansion. It is deferred two meetings.

BILL BL2017-853 in Councilman Kindall's district is a proposal  changing from R6 to SP zoning for various properties located along 33rd Avenue North, 35th Avenue North, Trevor Street, and Delaware Avenue, south of Interstate 40 (4.75 acres), to permit a maximum of 123 multi-family units. Several people speak against this rezoning and some are passionate. Their arguments are the standard argument of opposing greater density, concern about water run off and increased traffic. Councilman Kindall is absent and Councilman Murphy who is Chair of the Council's Planning and Zoning Committee is handling the bill for Councilman Kindall. She moves to defer the bill a meeting and it is deferred.

They are all approved on "consent" except for one honoring Bluegrass legend Roland White. The sponsor says it was filed too soon and what is on the agenda is a draft. He withdraws it but says he will be bringing it back once it is final.

Among the bills on "consent" which could have proven controversial if the sponsor would have attempted to grandstand on them are RESOLUTION RS2017-860  which supports the continuation of DACA and RESOLUTION RS2017-861  which says "that Nashville is opposed to and stands against racism and bigotry in all its forms and urging all to seek unified solutions to encourage the inclusive society our founders envisioned." A memorializing resolution of this type is really meaningless. If the sponsors would have used these bills as an opportunity to bash President Trump and I were serving in the Council, I would have taken exception, however I do not oppose these resolutions and think it was best for the Council to let them pass without discussion.

Second Reading
BILL NO. BL2017-800 which would make a modest change to the juvenile curfew laws making them slightly more restrictive is deferred indefinitely. 
BILL BL2017-835  is a bill which  would increase the size of, number of, and required information on a building permit for any building permit for a project of over $2500. It is amended increasing the dollar limit to $5000 and to make it not apply to permits pulled by the property owner himself as opposed to those pulled by a contractor. If I served in the Council I would have still opposed this but it is not as bad as what was originally proposed. It passes on a voice vote.
Bills on Third Reading:

BILL BL2017-834 which would amend the time restriction of when beer could be sold or served for on-premises consumption for a certain few establishments passes.  Under this bill a small number of restaurants could sell beer anytime except from 3AM to 4AM. For a more detailed explanation given when the bills was on Second Reading  follow this link and go to timestamp 23:54 in the video.
BILL BL2017-836 is a payment-in-lieu-of-taxes (PILOT) deal for the Keystone Automotive Industries to build an administrative office. It passes. This is the kind of corporate welfare that almost all cities engage in.  We will in effect be subsidizing this company about $1.23 million and they promise to create 120 new jobs. That is a little over $10K per job. I oppose this and am disappointed that no one in the Council took a position against it.  For more on this, read the bill and see the staff analysis.

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DACA phase-out puts onus on Congress, where it should be

Nashville, Tennessee, Latinos for TennesseeYesterday the Trump administration announced the phasing out of the Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals (DACA) program over the next six months. Former President Barack Obama enacted DACA by Executive Order in 2012 in order to delay deportation for illegal immigrants brought to the United States when they were young. In President Trump's announcement, he emphasized that Congress has the responsibility to address immigration reform with a long-term legislative solution.
In response to this announcement, Raul Lopez, Executive Director of Latinos for Tennessee commented, "As I've said in the past, we are a country of immigrants, as well as a country of laws. We cannot live in a free and fair society without the rule of law. President Trump did the right thing by restoring constitutional powers to their proper place-giving legislative authority to the legislature, and phasing out DACA until Congress asserts its legislative authority and works out a permanent fix to this emotionally-charged issue."
Lopez went on to add, "Critics of today's decision should not lose sight that by acting unilaterally, former President Obama directly contributed to this dysfunction. The former president could have worked with Congress, including Republicans on Capitol Hill, to craft immigration policy that would honor our immigrant heritage and the rule of law."
"Rather than kicking the can down the road again, Congress must craft immigration reform that will strengthen our border and end illegal immigration, but also deal compassionately with the children who came here at no fault of their own. Today's decision will allow Congress to take up the issue."
Democrats and Republicans have both expressed hope that the six-month delay in implementation will give Congress time to find consensus for a long-term solution.
Latinos for Tennessee is a statewide organization committed to protecting and promoting faith, family, freedom and fiscal responsibility. For more information, visit

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Tuesday, September 05, 2017

Do illegal aliens take American jobs

In any discussion of immigration policy, the claim is made that illegal aliens or immigrants in general take jobs from Americans.  Attorney General Jeff Sessions recently made this claim when addressing the decision of the president to phase out DACA (link). Is that correct?

Obviously there are some illegal aliens or legal immigrants working at low skill jobs that would be filled by Americans if the illegal aliens were not available.  However, there are many jobs that would simply not exist without cheap labor.  Americans are not going to go to Florida and pick tomatoes in the hot sun for minimum wage. If we did not have the labor to  pick those tomatoes, then we would import more tomatoes from Mexico.  In may cases, we would either import the workers or import the products but in any case we are importing the labor.

I have often thought that America would be a lot less pretty place without illegal aliens. What I am talking about is that almost all yard maintenance and landscaping crews are made up of Hispanics. I don't know if they are legal or not, but I assume they are illegal.  I have been noticing this for some years.  Also, I have observed that there has been a dramatic growth in yard maintenance.  This is probably not a documentable fact because a lot of yard maintenance is done under the table.  It is either not reported or underreported as income.

I have worked for many years in a job that including providing financial advice to clients. Part of what I would do in this position is examine a households spending.  I have noticed as time goes by that fewer and fewer people cut their own grass but hire it done. The most often quoted price that people tell me they pay is $40 every two weeks.

When one points out that Americans would not pick Florida tomatoes in the hot sun and that we would have fewer people to do lawn care, critics will say we could get Americans to do those jobs if they paid more.  If we paid what Americans would require to do the lawn care, the price would not be $40 per cut, but $60 or $80.  There is a limit to what homeowners will pay for someone to do a low skilled job they can do themselves. Those jobs would not go to Americans, those jobs would just go away.

If those jobs just go away then the economic impact and the multiplier effect of that economic activity goes away.  Someone who now has a job because they provide goods and services to people who make a living providing lawn care, would then lose their job.

The argument that immigrants take American jobs takes looks at the economy as static.  That assumes that there are only X number of jobs available. While America may be less economically free and dynamic than it used to be, we are still relatively free. New services and innovations can come into existence without central planners allowing it or providing for it. We do not have a planned economy and jobs are not assigned. I think the argument that immigrants are taking American jobs is based on the same static view of the economy that says there is only so much wealth available and it is up to government to ensure everyone gets their fair share.

When you believe the pie is only so big it becomes more important to argue over the size of the slices.  When you believe the pie is only so big, it becomes important to make sure no one gets your slice.

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Mayor Barry is wrong. Trump is not "slaming the door" on DACA.

Mayor Barry Statement on End of DACA 

September 5, 2017- Mayor Megan Barry has released the following statement after the Trump administration announced their intention to end the Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals (DACA) program initiated by President Barack Obama:
The decision by President Trump to slam the door on hundreds of thousands of DREAMers across the nation is heartbreaking. Many of these children and young adults who are  DACA recipients have only ever known the United States as their home. They deserve the chance to gain an education, earn a living, and continue contributing to our community without fear or threat of deportation. I would urge Congress to recognize this and immediately pass legislation that restores DACA as the law of the land.
DACA recipients, as well as people wishing to learn more or take action to support DACA, are encouraged to contact Conexión Américas by emailing or calling (615) 320-5152.

Background on DACA provided by Conexión Américas:

The DACA program is an executive order announced by President Obama in 2012. DACA allows certain young people, often referred to as Dreamers, who came to the United States as children to qualify for protection from deportation proceedings and remain in the country. Young people who are approved for DACA receive a Social Security Number to be able to obtain employment and, in some states - including Tennessee - can get a driver’s license. DACA provides protection for two years, and individuals can reapply when close to their expiration date.

Over its five-year history, DACA has allowed over 800,000 young people to pursue higher education, earn better wages, own homes, start businesses, and more. Out of those who have been approved for DACA, over 700,000 are currently working. Repealing DACA would mean that the United States economy would lose an average of 7,234 workers every week. Without DACA, we would lose over $460.3 billion from the national GDP over the next decade.

In Tennessee, over 8,300 young people have received DACA. The Migration Policy Institute estimates that another 6,000 young people would be eligible for DACA in Tennessee when they turn 15 years old. Rescinding DACA would mean Tennessee would lose over $347.3 million annually in our state GDP.

My Comment:  President Trump is not "slamming the door" on DACA.  Slamming the door on DACA would be the immediate repeal. He is slowly, gently closing the door and giving Congress time to keep the door open by legally implementing DACA.  DACA was implemented as an unconstitutional executive overreach.  I do not disagree with the DACA policy but the President does not have the authority to rewrite immigration law. The policy should have been implemented legally by Congress.  How would liberals like it if Trump simply repealed Obamacare by executive action?  There is a reason we have three branches of government. The president is not a king who can rule by royal decree.   Congress should now act to extend DACA, either making it permanent or extending it for a period of time until a comprehensive immigration policy can be adopted.

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Sunday, September 03, 2017

What's on the Council Agenda for 9-5-17: More corporate welfare, Advocating for DACA, Condemning racism, new requirements for a building permit ...

The Metro Council will meet Tuesday, September 5th, 2017 at 6:30 PM in the Council chamber at the Metro Courthouse. To watch the Council meeting, you can go to the courthouse and watch the meeting in person, or you can watch the broadcast live at Metro Nashville Network's Government TV on Nashville's Comcast Channel 3 and AT&T's U-verse 99 and it is streamed live at the Metro Nashville Network's livestream site and you can watch it live on Roku. You can catch the meeting the next day (or the day after the next) on the Metro YouTube channel. If can stand the suspense and just wait, I will post the video on this blog the day after or the day after that and provide commentary.

If you are going to watch the Council meeting, you need a copy of the Council agenda and the Council staff analysis or you really will not know what is going on. You can get the agenda and analysis at the highlighted links.

There are 14 appointment to Boards and Commission on the agenda. To my knowledge, this Council has never turned down a Mayor's appointee.  They will all be approved without discussion.

Public Hearing
There are two resolutions and 25 bills on Public Hearing. A resolution is passed by a single vote and a bill requires three separate votes of the Council. The bills on Public Hearing are also on the second vote consideration of the Council or "second reading." The two resolutions are exempting establishments from the minimum distance requirements for obtaining a beer permit.

The bills on public hearings are all rezoning bills or related to planning and zoning policy.  While some cities, mostly smaller cities, have a kind of an open mic public hearing policy, where anyone may address their council on any topic, Nashville does not have such a policy.  Only zoning and zoning related bills or on public hearing and the operating budget and the capital improvements budgets.

Rezoning hearings bore me and I don't even try to form an opinion on the merits every rezoning bill before the Council.  Rezoning bills usually are of interest only to people who live near the proposed rezoning. People who don't care one way or the other do not show up and with rare exceptions the only people who speak in favor of rezoning bills are those who will benefit from the rezoning such as the property owner or the developer.  Opponents always make the same argument which boils down to one of these: 1) the change will result in stressing the infrastructure such as too much traffic on the roadway or overcrowd the schools, 2) will cause flooding, and 3) will change for the worse the character of the community. If you are interested in knowing what is permitted in different zoning districts, follow this link.

Public Hearing:  Below are the bills that I find of interest that are on public hearing. I find them of interest because they effect a lot of people and I expect them to be controversial or because they are disapproved by the Planning Commission and may be difficult to pass or for some other reason which I explain. Some zoning bills get a recommendation of disapproved as submitted but approved if the sponsor will make changes recommended by the Planning Commission. I am not listing as bills of interest those that fall in that category.  Usually the sponsor makes the recommended changes.

BILL BL2017-784   by Robert Swope would establish a maximum permitted height of ten feet for electric fences within any zoning district where electric fences are permitted. The Planning Commission recommended withdrawal. Usually there is a recommendation of "approved" or "disapproved," but I do not recall a recommendation of withdrawal.  A disapproved bill requires 27 votes to pass on third reading. I assume if the sponsor moves forward with a bill that the Planning Commission has recommended he withdraw, the bill could be passed by a simple majority, but I am unsure.  Maybe it has to go back to the Planning Commission for a recommendation. The staff analysis says it is anticipated that the sponsor will withdraw the ordinance in favor of alternative legislation so the recommendation for withdrawal will apparently not be a problem.

BILL BL2017-824 is another bill where the Planning Commission recommendation is for the bill to be withdrawn.  This is applying a Contextual Overlay District to certain properties in Councilman Murphy's district. A Contextual Overlay applies design standards to new development in a neighborhood to keep it in character with what is already there. The staff analysis does not address this bill so I do not know the consequences of a recommendation to withdraw the bill, if the sponsor does not withdraw it. 

BILL BL2017-852 in Councilman Mary Carolyn Roberts district would expand an Urban Zoning Overlay District by 1591 acres.  This is a huge expansion. An Urban Design Overlay, or UDO, is a zoning tool that requires specific design standards for development in a designated area. A UDO is used to either protect the pre-existing character of the area or to create a character that would not otherwise be ensured by the development standards in the base zoning district. This bill has not yet been considered by the Planning Commission.
There are 26 resolutions all of which are on the consent agenda. A resolution stays on the consent agenda if it passed the committees to which it was assigned unanimously. Since the committees have not met yet, some resolutions which are listed as on the consent agenda may not be on the consent agenda when the council meets. Bills on the consent agenda are usually not controversial and tend to be routine matters, such as accepting grants from the Federal or State Government or appropriating money from the 4% fund. Resolutions on the consent agenda are passed by a single vote of the Council rather than being considered individually. Any member of the body may have a bill pulled off of the consent agenda or have there "no" vote or abstention recorded. Below are the resolutions of interest.
RESOLUTION RS2017-836  is a PILOT (payments in lieu of taxes) deal for an affordable housing project. This is the sixth time PILOT has been used to build affordable housing. Usually it is used as an incentive to lure a business to locate or expand in Nashville. This deal would be for a private developer to develop a 209 unit project restricted to seniors aged 62 or older whose income is below below 60% of the average median income which for a single person is $28,140.  What this does is basically give the developer a break on property taxes for a ten year period which will amount to about $2.9 million.

RESOLUTION RS2017-839  is the settlement of a lawsuit for $17K.  My view on settling lawsuit is that if the legal department says settle, I am not going to second guess themThis council has not been so bad about it, but there was a time when some members of the Council would grandstand and get an explanation at the Council meeting of what happened and ask what punishment was handed out to the employee that caused the incident. They would make a big deal out of appropriating the money. Now, thankfully this is handled in committee and no one votes against these settlements and it has almost become routine.

RESOLUTION RS2017-860  supports the continuation of DACA, (the federal Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals  program) and encourages Congress to create a permanent path to legal residency for DACA recipients. I support this. I know that some conservatives denounce DACA as amnesty.  My view is that those children who were brought here by their parents illegally and had no say in the matter, who are Americanized,  who may not even speak their native language, who have stayed out of trouble, and are either serving or served in the military or are in school or working, should not be deported to a country they may have never even known.

I generally think the Metro Council should avoid opining on national issues, but I would make an exception for this.  There are thousand of these young people in our community and are our co-workers and classmates and neighbors.  I remain critical of President Obama for implementing this policy.  My problem is not with the policy itself however but that President Obama did it by executive action rather than submitting the policy to Congress to ask it be enacted legislatively.  I am please that this resolution asks Congress to pass legislation rather than simply asking President Trump to extend the policy.  President Trump is being forced to take a stand on this due to a pending lawsuit brought by several states challenging the legality of the policy.  On Tuesday, President Trump is to announce his intentions regarding DACA.

It should be pointed out that a resolution of this kind only expresses the will of the Council.  It has no impact.  It is not even even really "adopted."  It is passed by the Council, but is not an official position of the Metro Government.  The mayor returns memorializing resolutions unsigned which is essentially a veto. To pass a resolution unsigned by the Council, the Council would then have to pass it a second time.  That never happens. If I were in the Council, I would not vote for a bad memorializing resolution, but in reality they are pretty meaningless. I expect there will be some wasted time pontificating on the issue.
RESOLUTION RS2017-861  says "that Nashville is opposed to and stands against racism and bigotry in all its forms and urging all to seek unified solutions to encourage the inclusive society our founders envisioned."  Last Council meeting, the sponsor attempted to get this considered as a late resolution, but two objecting members kept it from being considered. I am pleased that this was stopped last Council meeting.  There was no emergency that required suspension of Council rules. While this is motivated due to President Tump's comments following the violence in Charlottsville, there is nothing in the text of the resolution that calls out the President.  There is nothing objectionable in the wording of the resolution unless you actually happen to be a racist. If the sponsor will pass this without making a useless speech denouncing Trump, then if I were in the Council I would keep quite and vote for it. If, however, the sponsor grandstands, I would offer an amendment condemning all political violence and hatred including that of  Antifa. If no one votes against it in committee then this will be passed on consent and no one will speak on it. I think that is the best outcome.

Bills on First reading: There are 36 bills on first reading. First reading is a formality that gets bills on the agenda and they are not considered by committee until after they pass first reading. I do not read them until they get to second reading. Bills on First Reading are all lumped together and pass by a single vote.

Bills on Second Reading. These are the ones of interest:

BILL NO. BL2017-800 would make a modest change to the juvenile curfew laws. It would make the curfew slightly more restrictive. I do not see the need for this but could be persuaded in committee. This was on Second Reading on July 21st and deferred to this meeting.
BILL BL2017-835   would increase the size of, number of, and required information on a building permit for any building permit for a project of over $2500. The sign would have to be two feet by three feet.  That seem ridiculous.  A very small remodeling project can exceed $2500 dollars and may be done in as little as a day. The sponsor is going to offer an amendment increasing the dollar limit to $5000. I would oppose this even at the higher limit.  I just do not see the need for this. 
Bills on Third Reading:

BILL BL2017-834 would amend the time restriction of when beer could be sold or served for on-premises consumption passes.  Under this bill a small number of restaurants could sell beer anytime except from 3AM to 4AM. For a more detailed explanation given when the bills was on Second Reading  follow this link and go to timestamp 23:54 in the video.

BILL BL2017-836 is a payment-in-lieu-of-taxes (PILOT) deal for the Keystone Automotive Industries to build an administrative office.  This is the kind of corporate welfare that almost all cities engage in.  We will in effect be subsidizing this company about $1.23 million and they promise to create 120 new jobs. That is a little over $10K per job. I would hope the Council would reject this.  For more on this, read the bill and see the staff analysis.

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First Tuesday guest speaker, candidate fo Governor Bill Lee.

From Tim Skow

1ST TUESDAY Members and friends:

On MONDAY [ yes, Monday] …
September 11th we will host ''Nashville’s Neighbor'' and candidate for Governor, BILL LEE !

Image result for candidate for tennessee governor bill lee
Bill Lee
While rolling on his campaign bus, Bill has not only been to every corner of the TN... but to every county this summer. Bill will tell you he's been ''listening to Tennesseans''. Now you will get to hear what Bill is thinking, why he thinks he ought to be elected the next Governor and what he wants to accomplish when elected. Be ready for a spirited event !

As usual, doors at Waller Law [511 Union St. 27th floor] open at 11am. Event is $20 for Members and $25 for Guests. Secure seats for you and your guests by visiting our 1ST TUESDAY website [] and click on Join Us. Lunch begins at 11:30. Program starts and Noon, concluding at 1:00pm sharp !

[ IF the $25 GUEST icon is any trouble, use the $25 DUES icon]

Following Bill’s comments, expect a highly engaging Q & A session!
Topics including but not limited to:

1] Highly debated Sales and Fuel taxes of last session
2] Medical marijuana that will be in play the next few years
3] Judicial reform
4] Education questions including vouchers, funding higher education and more
5] .....and WHAT ever you'd like to ask !!

NO DOUBT… Bill will look forward to your questions as well ! He's planning to stay well after 1pm. So if you have more questions when the meeting concludes, make sure to visit with Bill afterwards given your schedule allows !!!

Plan to join us for a VERY special 9 / 11 version of 1ST TUESDAY.
Tim Skow

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