Friday, January 05, 2018

We Passed Tax Reform...What's Next? Health Care Choice.

Rep. Marsha Blackburn
by Marsha Blackburn - We ended 2017 on a great note by passing the Tax Cuts and Jobs Act, which President Trump has signed into law. Right away, we saw some companies give bonuses to their employees and announce new investments. As we enter the New Year, we are still seeing the effects of passing this bill, as the stock market continues to break records and unemployment continues to drop. The economy is finally back on the right track, and I will continue to work with my colleagues in Congress and the President to make sure this law benefits all hardworking Americans.

Now that tax reform is behind us, what’s ahead of us? You’re going to see from Capitol Hill more work on health care as we dismantle Obamacare.

As many of you know, the Obamacare individual mandate was repealed in the Tax Cuts and Jobs Act bills. This mandate forces Tennesseans to buy health insurance they did not want or could not afford. I am thrilled that this is off the books, and am focused on passing my bill, the Health Care Choice Act, which will allow health insurance to be sold across state lines. So many of you  have told me that you want choice, you want flexibility, and you want different options for different types of health insurance plans that fit your and your family’s needs.

The Health Care Choice Act is about you and will increase the number and types of health insurance plans available to you. Even better, it will allow you to buy health insurance the same way you purchase other types of insurance: online, by mail, or on the phone.

You don’t need federal bureaucrats in Washington telling you what kind of health insurance you can or can’t have. I am going to do everything I can to pass this legislation as we continue to dismantle the disastrous effects of Obamacare.

Marsha Blackburn is the Congressman from the Tennessee's 7th Congressional District.

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