Monday, February 12, 2018

Vice mayor appoints members of special committee to investigate Mayor Barry

Erica Gillmore
Bob Mendes

The Vice Mayor has named council members to the committee tasked with investigating Mayor Megan Barry. The committee will consist of at-large council members  Erica Gilmore and Bob Mendes and district
council members Brenda Haywood, Burkley Allen, Mina Johnson, Russ Pulley and Robert Swope.

Brenda Haywood
District 3
Robert Swope
District 4

Russ Pulley
District 25
The Council voted on Feb. 6th to investigate the Mayor Barry scandal involving misuse of public funds to facilitate a sexual relationship with a subordinate. The vote was  30 "yes," 7 "no", and no abstentions and none not voting (link).  Of those appointed to the committee, Russ Pulley and Burkley Allen are two of the seven who voted against the investigation. The others voted in favor of the investigation.

To read The Tennessean's report on this development, follow this link.
WSMV coverage is at this link.
Mina Johnson
District 23

Burkley Allen
District 18

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