Tuesday, March 06, 2018

Mayor Megan Barry has resigned!

Mayor Megan Barry has resigned. The following email communication was received at 10:56 AM today, March 6th. 
Dear Rod,

While my time as your mayor concludes today, my unwavering love and sincere affection for this wonderful city and its great people shall never come to an end.

No one is as excited about this city, and its bright and limitless future, than I am.

Nashville, with its boundless energy, its infectious optimism, its never- encountered-an-obstacle-it-couldn’t-overcome attitude, will, in the years ahead, continue its steady march toward the very top of the list of great American cities.

It’s a continued climb that I will watch, but I will watch as a private citizen, and I will be tremendously proud nonetheless.

While today is primarily about the smooth transition from my administration to that of Vice Mayor Briley, I would be remiss if I didn’t acknowledge and thank the thousands and thousands of people who have reached out to me, written me, encouraged me, comforted me, worried endlessly about me, and most importantly prayed for me during these many difficult and trying months.

In two and a half short years, we have made great strides and progress on affordable housing, transit, public education, youth opportunity, quality of life, and our economy.

None of this would have been possible without my incredible staff, our talented department heads, and all of the dedicated men and women of the Metropolitan Government who have worked hard to make the lives of Nashvillians a little better each day. 

They got up yesterday, they got up today, and they will get up again tomorrow devoted to making sure our city sings.

And I sincerely hope and believe that my own actions will not tarnish or otherwise detract from all of their great work.

It has been the honor and it has been the privilege of my entire professional life to have had the blessing of this opportunity to be your mayor.

Thank you in advance for the support that I am sure you will give to Mayor Briley in the days and weeks ahead. 

God bless this wonderful city.

I love you, Nashville.

Mayor Megan Barry Signature

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