Tuesday, April 03, 2018


Press release, Nashville, TN - Former Vanderbilt University law professor and nationally

Carol Swain
recognized conservative political commentator Carol Swain announced on Monday that she is a candidate for Mayor of Nashville in the special election to fill the position vacated by former Mayor Megan Barry. She secured the necessary petition to become a candidate this morning, obtained more than the 25 signatures required to become an official candidate, and filed the petition this afternoon, which will qualify her to appear on the special election ballot.

The date for the special election is currently scheduled for August 2, but pending court cases could result in that date being moved to sometime in May.

“The reason I’m running is that Nashville needs a choice between two different visions for the city. I believe the city is headed in the wrong direction, like many large cities headed by Democratic mayors,” Swain said.

“Nashville is currently following the ‘tax-and-spend’ prescription that has resulted in so many of our cities becoming wastelands of poverty, crime, failing schools, and high taxes,” Swain noted in announcing her plans to run for Mayor. “We have a shrinking window of opportunity to avoid that future, but only if we act now to embrace new leadership committed to low taxes, common-sense regulations, and maximizing freedom and opportunity for all of our citizens.”

“This whole thing is about fixing potholes instead of building giant edifices while the city as a whole is not thriving. I’m concerned about the fact that if the transit plan passes, it’s not going to solve our problems and it will give Nashville the highest taxes in the country,” she noted.

“At a time when our school system mishandles $7 million, our city leadership promotes a $9 billion transit boondoggle that they admit won’t really relieve or reduce traffic congestion, seeks to embrace ‘sanctuary city status,’ and ignores the reality of crime and violence increasing across our city, we can’t afford to keep doing ‘business as usual’ with the ‘usual suspects’ running the show,” Swain said.

“I am delighted that Troy Brewer, an experienced and well respected C.P.A. who specializes in campaign finance and reporting, has agreed to serve as treasurer of my campaign,” Swain added.
Swain is making it clear that she opposes the proposed tax increase to fund the Megan Barry transit plan, a plan that has also been embraced by Mayor David Briley. “A bad idea didn’t get better simply due to Megan Barry resigning and Mayor Briley stepping in to replace her,” Swain pointed out. “I will be encouraging voters across the county to say ‘NO, to funding the transit plan in the May 1 Referendum. The first step to our retaking control of our city is to take control of our finances in the voter’s booth on May 1.”

Dr. Carol M. Swain is an award-winning political scientist, a former professor of political science and professor of law at Vanderbilt University, and a lifetime member of the James Madison Society, an international community of scholars affiliated with the James Madison Program in American Ideals and Institutions at Princeton University. Before joining Vanderbilt in 1999, Dr. Swain was a tenured associate professor of politics and public policy at Princeton University’s Woodrow Wilson School of Public and International Affairs. Dr. Swain is passionate about empowering others to raise their voices in the public square. She is an author, public speaker, and political commentator.

Dr. Swain is the author or editor of nine books. Her first book, Black Faces, Black Interests: The Representation of African Americans in Congress (Harvard University Press, 1993, 1995), won the Woodrow Wilson prize for the best book published in the U. S. on government, politics or international affairs in 1994, and was cited by U.S. Supreme Court Justice Anthony Kennedy in Johnson v. DeGrandy, 512 U.S. 997 (1994) and by Justice Sandra Day O’ Connor in Georgia v. Ashcroft, 539 U.S. (2003). In addition, Cambridge University Press nominated her book, The New White Nationalism in America: Its Challenge to Integration, for a Pulitzer Prize. Her forthcoming book, Debating Immigration (2nd edition), is scheduled for a July 2018 release. Dr. Swain’s other books include Abduction: How Liberalism Steals the Hearts and Minds of Our Children (Christian Faith Publishing, 2016, co-author Steve Feazel), Be the People: A Call to Reclaim America’s Faith and Promise (Thomas Nelson Press, 2011), Debating Immigration (Cambridge University Press, 2007); Contemporary Voices of White Nationalism (Cambridge University Press, 2003, co-author Russ Nieli).

Dr. Swain’s opinion pieces have been published in CNN Online, The Financial Times, The New York Times, The Washington Post, The Wall Street Journal, The Washington Times, and USA Today. She has appeared on ABC Headline News, BBC Radio, NPR, INT News, CNN’s AC360, Fox News’ Hannity, Fox and Friends, Lou Dobbs Tonight, Judge Jeanine, The Story with Martha MacCallum, Michael Smerconish, The PBS News Hour, and The Washington Journal, and ABC’s Headline News. She had a major role in Hillary’s America: The Secret History of the Democratic Party and has had three Prager University videos go viral.

Her commentary on social and political issues can be heard nationally on Bott Radio and American Family Radio’s Two Minutes to Think About it. Dr. Swain received a B.A. from Roanoke College, M.A. from Virginia Polytechnic & State University, Ph.D. from University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill and M.S.L. from Yale. She lives in Nashville, Tennessee.

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