Sunday, April 08, 2018

Councilman Robert Swope to unveil alternative transit plan

Robert Swope
Metro Councilman Robert Swope plans to unveil his own transit plan on April 10 as an alternative to the proposed $9 billion mass-transit plan which will be on the ballot as a referendum question on May 1.  Early voting for the May 1 elections starts April 11.

Swope told The Tennessean, his plan was “intelligent transit for the ‘It City.’”  He did not reveal any  specifics about his plan but said, "China, Dubai, New Zealand and a lot of other countries are scheduling implementation of a number of these transit options right now. So if we look at technology to assist and aiding the transit problems in this city, this isn't something that we have to 'wait five years for technology to get there.' It exists today." "Every single part of this, we're doing somewhere in the world right now," he said of his transit plan. 

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