Sunday, April 22, 2018

The Tennessean endorsements for May 1 Nashville election

The most important item on the ballot of May 1st is the referendum on a $9billlion transit plan. The Tennessean favors it.  I urge you to vote against it. It will make Nashville have the highest sales tax rate in the nation, relies on antiquated fix rail and will do little to relieve traffic congestion. By reducing roadway capacity it may make traffic congestion worse. It will not make trips faster than by car.  At a time when technology is making other options available and when nationwide mass transit ridership is on the decline we do not need to be building a massively expensive system more suited for the 19the century than the future.

In addition to the transit referendum, this election is a primary election. There is both a Democrat and a Republican primary but there are no Republicans candidates running in the Republican primary. One may vote just for the referendum question and skip the primary or vote in the Republican primary with no candidates or vote in the Democrat primary. Just because you may self identify as a Republican does not mean you cannot vote in the Democrat primary. We do not have party registration in Tennessee. In Tennessee there is no such thing as a "registered Republican" or "registered Democrat." 

To vote for any of the candidates seeking office you will have to vote as a Democrat, which is probably what I am going to do. I may however, vote in the Republican primary and write my own name in each slot. I am unsure at this point. The winners of the May 1st election will have their name appear on the August 2nd ballot but will most likely run unopposed.  If you ever intent to run for office as a Republican or as an officer in the Davidson County Republican Party you may not want to vote in the Democrat primary. I don't, so I probably will vote in the Democrat primary.

Today, Sunday April 22, The Tennessean made their endorsements for the May 1st election.  Here is whom The Tennessean is recommending:

  • Circuit Court Clerk: Richard Rooker
  • Davidson County clerk: Brenda Wynn
  • Trustee: Charlie Cardwell
  • Public Defender: Martesha Johnson
  • Chancery Court Part II: Anne Martin
  • Criminal Court Division II:  Angie Blackshear Dalton
  • General Sessions Court, Division III: Ana Escobar 
  • General Sessions Court, Division X: Joyce Grimes Safle
  • Criminal clerk of court: Howard Gentry
  • Juvenile clerk of court: Lonnell Matthews Jr.
  • Register of deeds: Karen Johnson
  • Sheriff:  Daron Hall
The first four candidates are running unopposed. For a sample ballot on the referendum question follow this link, for the empty Republican primary ballot follow this link, for the Democrat primary ballot follow this linkThe Tennessean article explains the function of each office and why they endorsed the candidates they endorsed. To read The Tennessean article follow this link. My recommendations do not differ much from those of The Tennessean, to read my commentary on the candidates and see my recommendations follow this link.


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