Wednesday, May 30, 2018

Full Speech: President Donald Trump Holds MAGA Rally in Nashville, TN 5/29/18

Unfortunately, I was unable to attend the Trump rally in Nashville yesterday due to my obligations at home. The rally was to support the candidacy of Marsha Blackburn for U.S. Senate. While I was originally not a supporter of Donald Trump and while his style and tone still make me cringe from time to time, his accomplishments have caused me to be more supportive. I have warmed to Trump. I think he is putting our country on the right track. Dare I say, he is making America great again?  I remain skeptical of the wisdom of building the wall and remain fearful that he may start a trade war, but the tax cuts, improved economy, appointment of conservative judges, confronting North Korea, moving the US embassy in Israel to Jerusalem, and various other accomplishments are impressive. I would have liked to have been able to attend this rally.

For those who missed the rally and would like to view the rally in full, below is a YouTube video.

If you want more, a group called Right Side Broadcasting Network provided seven hours of coverage with commentary and interviews of people on the street. You can catch that video at this link. To read the Tennessean's coverage of the rally, follow this link.

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