Wednesday, May 02, 2018


For a few minutes of the day yesterday I was a Democrat and voted in the Democrat primary. There were no candidates running in the Republican primary so those who were nominated in the Democrat primary will be running unopposed in November making the primary tantamount to the election.  I think it is a shame that the Republican Party cannot find at least token opposition to challenge Democrats.  There should be Republican names on the ballot even if they don't campaign or expect to win. If I would have been asked, I would have allowed my name to be placed in nomination for something.  I am sure there are other Republicans who would have done the same. I hope in the future the Davidson County Republican Party will make candidate recruitment a priority.

Several good people like County Trustee Charlie Caldwell and Sheriff Daron Hall were running unopposed and I am pleased to see them reelected and  even if there was a Republican name on the ballot I would have voted for them.  In other races, Ana Escobar beat former Metro Councilman Nick Leonardo for General Sessions judge. Leonardo had been appointed to the seat in January by the Council, but Escobar had widespread community support and the support of the Nashville Bar Association. I have nothing against Nick Leonardo but I thought Escobar was the better candidate. I am pleased with the outcome.

In the race for Juvenile Court Clerk, Lonnell Matthews barely beat state Representative Sherry Jones. I am pleased with this outcome.  I knew I did not want Sherry Jones to win the seat. Matthews personally called me and asked for my vote, which I appreciate.  He has relevant experience and ideas for the office and I think he will make a good Juvenile Court Clerk.

Karen Johnson won the position of Register of Deeds.  I voted for Karen Johnson just because she is so darn pretty. Shallow I know, but it's the truth. Really, I don't think it matters who is the Register of Deeds. If I were redesigning local government from scratch, I would eliminate most of the courthouse offices and have people like the Register of  Deeds and Assessor of Property and County Clerk all be department heads appointed by the mayor and confirmed by the council.

To see a complete list of election returns, follow this link.

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