Wednesday, May 02, 2018

Mayor Briley presents no-tax-increase, status quo budget

Mayor Briley has completed his "budget discussions" with department heads, crunched the numbers an released his budget.  The $2.23 billion budget does not call for a tax increase, represents a $22 million increase over last year's budget, increases school funding by $5 million and increases General Hospital funding by $11.1 million. The $5 million increase in school funding is $40 million short of the school's request.

What happens next is that the Council will hold budget hearings, most likely tweak the mayors budget which will find a little bit more for schools and make a very few other minor changes and then pass the "Council budget." I do not expect the Council to raise taxes.  My hope, but not an expectation, is that the Council would slash funding for General Hospital and tell General to develop a six-month plan to dissolve itself. I would also hope the Council would cut the $25,000 appropriation to the LGBT Chamber of Commerce and cut some other wasteful spending.

For more on the budget see this link, and this link .

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