Friday, June 29, 2018

Marsha Blackburn breaks with President Trump over tariffs.

Marsha Blackburn
by Rod Williams - Representative Marsha Blackburn has been one of Trumps staunches supporters. She often appears on national TV defending the President's policies.  I was pleased to see her break with Trump over the issue of tariffs.

Yesterday she said President Donald Trump's administration should reconsider broad tariffs to avoid unintended negative consequences on Tennessee's economy and workers. In a letter to Commerce Secretary Wilbur Ross she said Tennesseans stand to suffer disproportionate and negative consequences under broad tariffs. She said Tennessee industries, including automotive, agriculture and distilled spirits could be hurt by retaliatory tariffs.  The letter was also signed by Republican Reps. Phil Roe, Scott DesJarlais and Chuck Fleischmann.

Senators Bob Corker and Lama Alexander have been outspoken in opposition to Trump's start of a trade way.  I am pleased to see Republicans take a stand for common sense. Trump's trade war could have disastrous consequences and lead to a world-wide economic depression. Even if the trade war does not escalate into a world-wide trade war it could still reverse the recent economic gains resulting from the recently passed tax cuts and cause Republicans to be badly beaten in the mid-term elections.

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