Friday, June 22, 2018

Technology, not more traffic lanes is answer to traffic woes says Bill Lee and Randy Boyd

by Rod Williams - Diane Black's proposed solution for Nashville area traffic woes is to double-stack the three interstates in Nashville and complete he Interstate 840 north loop. Her three opponents in the race for governor take a different approach. Bill Lee and Randy Boyd have said technology is the answer and Beth Harwell has said solving Nashville's traffic problem is basically a local issue.

As reported in The Tennessean, Bill Lee says, "I’m a businessman. I run a corporation. We look to technology to solve some of the greatest challenges in our society, and five years ago we never would have imagined you would push an app on your phone and get in the car with a perfect stranger and drive away, but technology changes the future."

Lee said the state should focus on smart traffic lights, private-sector ride-share programs and technology to further utilize the state's roadways, such as rarely enforced HOV lanes.

Randy Boyd said, "When we look at the solution, it needs to be a regional solution, but also I think the thing we are not looking at enough is technology. There’s some new technology investments that I believe are gonna help relieve a lot of the problems that we have. It’s not just about spending our way out."

I agree more with Lee and Boyd than I do Diane Black on this issue, with the exception of building the northern part of the I-840 loop. Building the I-840 loop would divert a certain amount of traffic from the north that is headed either west or east at Nashville. I do not know if that is a significant amount of traffic or not, but if traffic studies show it is, then that northern loop should be build. I am not sold on the idea of double decking the interstates. I do not think it necessary and it is quality of life issue.  Wider interstates or double decked interstates create a more stressful environment and are ugly.

I am convinced that para-transit, express bus service and technology can solve our traffic problems. We do not need rail or interstate expansion except in certain locations to correct bottlenecks. For more on my thoughts on traffic see this link. For the Tennessean's story on the position of candidates for governor on this issue of transportation, follow this link.

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