Friday, June 15, 2018

We should not be like Stockton California and we get the government we deserve

Jeff Hartline
If you do not subscribe to The Tennesseean you missed two good opinion pieces in last Sunday's newspaper from local conservative luminaries.

 Jeff Harline writes, Nashville is stuck with the government it deserves. He identifies four categories of voters from the engaged to the most apathetic and says that in the recent referendum on the transit proposal and mayoral race apathy was on full display, "when voters overwhelmingly defeated the tax increase, but voted for the major candidate who pushed the tax increase."  I share Jeff's opinion. I am constantly amassed how little people seem to care about local issues and how little they pay attention.

Unfortunately, The Tennesseean did not save this article online (which I find hard to believe) or they have such a  poor search engine (which they do) that I can't find it. Harline is a former Republican candidate for the District 5 congressional seat, is a political activist and publishes the online Tennessee Spotlight.

Carol Swain
Carol Swain, recent candidate for mayor, former Vanderbilt professor, author, activist and TV commentator writes, Why Nashville should not be like Stockton, California.  She writes, "Stockton, California and Nashville are mid-sized cities run by liberal Democrats. Local leaders in each city have championed high-dollar projects that ultimately work against the public interest. As a result of this extravagant spending, both cities have found themselves in fragile financial positions. Music City would be wise not to follow in the footsteps of Stockton, which declared bankruptcy in 2012." 

I share her concern that we are headed down that path.

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