Saturday, July 07, 2018

Phony calls, fake group seek to confuse Right to Life voters with false attack on Pro-Life Diane Black

From Tennessee Right to Life PAC:

 Members of Tennessee Right to life are reporting having received recorded calls from an unincorporated entity claiming to be affiliated with Right to Life.
In the unethical and illegal calls, a false claim is made that Diane Black is not pro-life. The calls began just hours after the public announcement of Diane Black's endorsement by Tennessee Right to Life PAC in the race for Governor.
"For many pro-life Tennesseans the call to actively protect innocent human life is a sacred matter and a response to the demands of one's conscience," said Brian Harris, president of Tennessee Right to Life.
"For operatives to exploit members of the pro-life community and misrepresent the record of a proven pro-life champion is cynical politics at it's worst," Harris said. "The lives of unborn children cannot be used as political pawns and those candidates who do so disqualify themselves from the pro-life mantle and public office." 

The truth of Diane Black's unparalleled pro-life record includes serving as prime sponsor of SJR 127 (pro-life constitutional Amendment 1) in both the state House and state Senate. Additionally, Black led the first state efforts to defund Planned Parenthood by successfully stripping preferential treatment for the abortion facilities from Tennessee's state law and initiating a bid process to allow ethical health care providers to apply for available state grants which had previously been awarded to Planned Parenthood.
In 2010, Black successfully sponsored legislation making Tennessee's Legislature the first in the nation to prevent abortion from being included as a paid benefit in the state's Obamacare health exchanges.
After being elected to Congress, Black's very first bill was to defund Planned Parenthood, an effort that she has continued to lead during her entire tenure in Congress.

"Tennessee Right to Life urges concerned pro-life voters to work for the election of demonstrated pro-life leaders and to decry the use of deception on matters affecting the lives of Tennessee's vulnerable unborn children,"  Harris said.

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