Wednesday, August 22, 2018

Council advances MLS stadium, but project still in doubt

The Tennessean: Nashville Council advances MLS stadium, but project still in doubt....The council voted 24-7 to advance an ordinance that would demolish existing buildings at the fairgrounds to clear the way for a future 30,500-seat stadium for the city's MLS expansion club awarded last year. Eight council members abstained from voting. .... the council voted 24-9, with six abstentions, to advance an ordinance to declare 10 acres of fairgrounds land as surplus property.

Rod's Comment: This is not bad. Hope is not lost. The bill to demolish existing building will require 27 votes to pass on third and final reading.  If it does not pass, then the current deal is dead.  This is not over. One can assume the council will be lobbied heavily by soccer fans, the developer, Nashville's powerful elitist, Chamber of Commerce types, and the administration.  They only have to persuade three who abstained to vote in favor and they have the votes to pass this.  Those seeking to save the fairgrounds must keep the pressure up.  It also looks as if the proposed funding of the stadium will not go to the public for a referendum due to a technically concerning the time frame to get the question on the ballot, so this will be decided in the Council. It is going to be close, but this can be killed.

I will be providing a more detailed summary of last night's meeting soon. Please check back.

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