Saturday, August 25, 2018

Council meets Monday, August 27th for Fairgrounds rezoning public hearing.

The Metro Council will hold a special meeting Monday, August 27th at 6PM.  This is the meeting for the public hearing on the rezoning of the ten acres of fairground property to be given to the private developer of the MLS stadium. The Planning Commission voted to recommend the rezoning.   This item, Bill BL2018-1290 is the only item on the agenda.This is likely to pass.  However, this public hearing will be an opportunity for the public to show their disgust at the actions of the city in giving away fairground property contrary to the desire of the public which voted in 2016 in a public referendum to save the fairgrounds. 

The best opportunity to derail the MLS deal and save the fairgrounds will come on September 4th when bill authorizing the demolition of existing building at the fairgrounds will be on third reading. This bill will require 27 votes to pass.  When on second reading, the bill got 24 votes. You can be assured MLS stadium deal proponents are applying pressure and twisting arms to get the three more votes needed to pass this bill.

A big show of opposition to the MLS deal on Monday, may give some wavering council members backbone to side with the people and vote to save the fairgrounds. A massive turn out on Monday is important to saving the Fairgrounds.

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