Tuesday, August 21, 2018

It is an outrage that the city of Nashville will not engage Speedway Motorsports Inc.

by Rod Williams - A few days ago, Councilman Robert Swope appeared on radio station WTN 99.7 and discussed the situation with the MLS stadium, the fairground land giveaway, and other related topics. To hear that interview follow this link.

In that interview Swope revealed is that Speedway Motorsports, Inc had been reaching out to the city to explore making massive improvements to the speedway and taking it into the major league.  Speedway Motorsports is the top dog in managing racing speedways. They run the most profitable and prestigious speedways in the country.  Also, they are not seeking a corporate welfare handout from Nashville, but want to invest in Nashville.

Swope said metro would not give them "the time of day."  Why?  Why is Nashville turning down an opportunity to enhance and raise the profile of the Nashville Speedway?   My own view, is that the elitist who run this city do not think stock car racing, flea markets, gun and knife shows and fairs fit the image they want to project. Those things are low-class and kind of an embarrassment to the movers and shakers who make things happen.

It is an outrage that the city of Nashville will not engage Speedway Motorsports Inc. Below is a copy of the letter, Speedway Motorsports wrote to the city.

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