Monday, August 06, 2018

Phil Bredesen is still dead-set on trying to portray himself as a Republican

From Michael McAdams, NRSC Regional Press Secretary - Phil Bredesen is still dead-set on trying to portray himself as a Republican, releasing a new ad focused on courting GOP voters.

But no matter how hard he tries, Bredesen can’t change the fact he’s spent nearly half a million dollars funding left-wing candidates like Hillary Clinton and backing radical policies like government-run health care. In a state President Trump won by 26 points, voters want nothing to do with Bredesen’s Trojan horse attempt.

“It doesn’t matter how many campaign ads Phil Bredesen runs, he’s not going to make Tennessee voters forget that his first vote will be for Chuck Schumer and Schumer’s liberal policies,” said NRSC Spokesman Michael McAdams. “Bredesen has spent decades supporting Democrats and if he’s elected to the U.S. Senate, that’s not going to change.”

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