Wednesday, August 22, 2018

Police sue to stop Civilian Review Board referendum

FOP press release, August 21, 2018, Nashville, TN — This afternoon, the Fraternal Order of Police filed a complaint with the Davidson County Circuit court seeking a review of the recently verified petition signatures to amend the metropolitan charter which would implement a Civilian Oversight Board if passed.

It is the opinion of the Fraternal Order of Police that the selected election used to measure the required number of signatures is incorrect. Therefore, we are submitting our case to a higher authority for review. 

To be clear, the Fraternal Order of Police is wholly opposed to the passage of the currently proposed legislation. While this specific lawsuit is based solely on the merits of the verification, our concern that the current proposed legislation lacks perspective from law enforcement, creates an environment lacking due process, and violates employee rights are the foundations of our position. 

It is important to note that our opposition, however, does not indicate our unwillingness to have the community participate in discussions regarding their involvement in policing strategies. In fact, before this bill was advanced, the Fraternal Order of Police had proactively participated in conversations with community organizations in an attempt to find some common ground and develop a solution that would be fair and equitable to all sides. Unfortunately, the advancement of this legislation occurred before those conversations could produce any workable solutions.

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