Saturday, September 29, 2018

Chief Steve Anderson's Statement on the Warrant Issued Against Officer Andrew Delke

Chief Steve Anderson
Metro Press Release - The following is a statement from Chief Steve Anderson concerning today’s decision by the District Attorney to obtain a criminal homicide warrant against Officer Andrew Delke:

“The July 26th death of Daniel Hambrick was a tragedy.  I have publicly expressed my condolences to his mother.  Certainly, no parent should have to grieve the loss of a son or daughter.           
The events of July 26th have also forever impacted Officer Andrew Delke and his family.  Our community and this police department have been lastingly affected as well.
It is not proper for me at this time to discuss the events of July 26th.  The Metropolitan Nashville Police Department has deferred to the District Attorney and the TBI all aspects of this investigation.  Therefore, this department’s administrative investigation into the fatal shooting of Daniel Hambrick is open but on hold.  As we learn more, the administrative investigation will proceed.
Because of today’s action, Officer Delke, who has been working a desk job, has, by protocol, been decommissioned.

I have long had great respect for, and confidence in, the justice system in Davidson County and the State of Tennessee. That respect and confidence remains.  It has been my experience that as the justice process proceeds, all of the facts and circumstances concerning an investigation will become known.”                                             

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