Saturday, September 01, 2018

Demolition at fairgrounds could begin before expo space is ready.

There’s been a lot of promises the last few months that if a new soccer

We can say goodbye to the flea market
stadium is built at The Fairgrounds Nashville, Nashville’s beloved flea market would continue in a new building.

The News4 I-Team confirmed that buildings at the fairgrounds could be torn down right away if a package of stadium bills passes Metro Council on Tuesday night.

The actual demolition ordinance before Council doesn’t require the city to wait for new buildings to be constructed before the old buildings are torn down.

Mike Jameson, Metro Council’s attorney, confirmed that although Council expressed "the intention" to have new buildings ready before demolition, "it isn't binding" because that intention is in a "whereas clause" and is "not in the body of the pending ordinance." (link)

Rod's Comment: I have believed all along that the elitist movers and shakers who dominate this city are out to destroy the fairgrounds.  They simply do not like the image of flea markets, gun and knife shows, auto racing, or fairs.  The fairgrounds and the activities hosted at the fairgrounds does not fit their image of the cool, hip "it" city. Unless Council rejects the pending legislation, the existing space used to house the flea market will be torn down, months will pass with no flea market and in the meantime, many flea market vendors will go broke and the surviving vendors will find other outlets and the largest flea market in the southeast will cease to exist.

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