Saturday, September 08, 2018

Metro Nashville's comprehensive customer service system. File a complaint. Get an answer.

From time to time almost everyone has a need for metro services, or a complaint to file or questions about Metro services.  Does you neighbor have an inoperable car taking up curbside parking or is there an abandoned car on your street? Is their an overgrown lot next door?  A pothole to complain about? Or, is a street sign missing?  Do you want to know how to get a building permit? You don't need to call your councilman or look up a number.

HUB Nashville is a comprehensive customer service system, that makes it easy to connect with Metro to make service requests or ask questions.  HUB Nashville is a one-stop shop currently available by phone and online, that is easy to use, and doesn’t require a user to know which department they need to contact.   

Common requests for the HUB are: Trash Services, Recycling Services, Trash and Recycling for New Construction, Illegal Dumping, Request Additional Recycle Cart, Right of Way Overgrowth, Sign and Signal Repairs, Request Replacement Recycle Cart, Purchase Replacement Trash Cart, and Potholes.

Here is how to use the system:

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