Sunday, September 02, 2018

These are the Council members who voted to save the fairgrounds. (voting "No," "abstain," or not votng on Bill BL2018-1289.)

There have been several recorded votes related to the fairgrounds issue so the record is clear who supports building the MLS stadium at the fairground and giving away ten acres of fairground property and who wants to save the fairground.  On all of the recorded votes, the record is pretty consistent as to which members support the fairgrounds and which do not.

One of the most important votes was the roll call vote on second reading of Bill BL2018-1289. This was the ordinance to approve the demolition of certain buildings and structures necessary for the construction of a new major league soccer stadium at the fairgrounds and impose a privilege tax on the sale of tickets to events at the new Major League Soccer stadium.

This was approved by a vote of 24 in favor, seven "no's", 8 abstaining, and one not voting. A vote to "abstain" means the council member pushed a button voting to abstain. "Not voting" means the Council member did not a push a button.  They may have been absent, hiding in the bathroom, distracted or sitting on their hands.

While BL2018-1289 passed second reading, for this bill to pass on third reading it must get 27 positive votes.  Both the imposing of a tax on ticket sales and destruction of fairground buildings require 27 votes.  Since the final vote requires 27 votes, a vote to abstain or simply not pushing a button at all is the same as a no vote.  To simply this issue I am calling those who voted for this bill as having voted against the fairgrounds and those who voted "no," "abstain," or not voting as having voted for the fairgrounds. This is how those who did not vote for the bill voted. No (7): Cooper, Pardue, Hagar, Glover, Freeman, Vercher, and Henderson; Abstain (8): Gilmore, Mendes, Hurt, Swope, Roberts, Mina Johnson, Dowell, and Rosenberg.

If you want to call or email a Council member and thank him for his vote and encourage that member to continue to support the fairgrounds that may help shore of that member's resolve. You can be assured these council members are being bombarded with calls urging them to support the stadium.

With limited time, if you are going to call any of these, the "abstain" should have higher priority than the "NO". To win in saving the fairgrounds, some who voted "yes" last time must be switched to "no" or "abstain" or not voting: or we must hold every abstain and No who voted that way on Second reading. Among the "abstain" is Robert Swope.  I don't know why he voted "abstain" rather than "no" but he is a solid supporters of the fairgrounds, so I would suggest skipping him and concentrate on the others to encourage them to vote "no" or to continue to vote "abstain."  If calling a council member, be polite and respectful.  Getting mad and threatening will not help achieve your objectives. ,

Voting to Save the Fairground (voting "no" on Bl2018-1289) 

Larry Hagar

Doug Pardue
John Cooper

Steve Glover
Mike Freeman
Tanaka Vercher
Angie Henderson

_________These members voted "abstain."________ 

Erica Gilmore

Bob Mendes


Jacobia Dowell

Robert Swope

Mina Johnson
Mary Carolyn Roberts

Dave Rosenberg

Not Voting: Holly Heuzo
Holly Huezo

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