Thursday, October 25, 2018

As governor, Phil Bredesen pushed for solar, then helped launch solar company

The Tennessean - ... He dedicated millions in stimulus dollars to set up the Tennessee Solar Institute in Knoxville, recruited two large manufacturers of solar materials to the state, and his administration pushed for legislation providing green energy companies a series of tax breaks.

Weeks after the tax bill passed in June 2010, Bredesen had another reason to root for the burgeoning sector’s success: He became chairman of a new Nashville solar company, Silicon Ranch. .... Silicon Ranch raised questions about conflicts of interest for Bredesen and Silicon Ranch co-founders Reagan Farr and Matt Kisber, who were both state commissioners at the time. Both the timing of the company’s creation and the introduction of tax incentives directed at the solar industry spurred criticism of the governor during his last months in office.

Rod's Comment: Phil Bredesen is corrupt.

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