Thursday, October 18, 2018

Every life has meaning- so does every vote. Make yours count.

From Tennessee Right to life:or

For a list of candidates who stand strong on life issues, click here or visit

Lives are being saved because of your investment in the election of sincere pro-life legislators and the passage of protective pro-life state laws. Children and moms are being spared the grief of an abortion decision because of positive public education programs in churches, campuses, and community events where friendly Right to Life volunteers share facts, alternatives to abortion, and opportunities for involvement in the pro-life movement.

Speaking of facts, did you know:
  • 4 abortion facilities have closed in Tennessee since 2012
  • 7 facilities remain which advertise and perform surgical and/or chemical (RU 486) abortions
  • The facilities are in Bristol (1), Knoxville (2), Memphis (3) and Nashville (1)
  • In 2016, 9,732 abortions were sought by women residing in our state
  • 85% of women and girls seeking abortions are unmarried
  • 38% of abortions are sought by women having had 1 or more previous abortions
Thanks to you and the work of fellow pro-life Tennesseans, we have the strongest pro-life legislature and laws at any time since Roe v Wade. Required informed consent for women and girls considering an abortion and a mandatory 48-hour waiting period help to ensure that every woman has fuller knowledge about the age and development of her unborn child as well as public and private agencies available to assist her. Upon her request, she must also be given the opportunity to view the ultrasound image of her child. 

You can help keep these public policies by returning pro-life super-majorities to the Tennessee state House, state Senate, and Tennessee's Congressional delegation. In addition, Tennessee must have a Governor with the demonstrated commitment and capability to stand without fail for life.

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