Monday, October 08, 2018

Former Attorney General Alberto Gonzales to be 1st Tuesday guest, Wednesday Oct. 17th.

From Tim Skow: 
1ST TUESDAY Members and friends

With the ROLLER COASTER over the last 3 weeks and early voting starting starting OCT 17th... 

WHAT could be more timely than a 1ST TUESDAY event featuring each of the following?? 

A] The man who hired ''JUSTICE Kavanaugh'' to join the BUSH '43 White House team for 3 years.
B] A man who played a key role in the process of getting Supreme Court nominees approved
C] A man who knows 1st hand what President Bush was doing to help get "JUSTICE Kavanaugh" confirmed
D] A man who with the latest insights and polling numbers from Republican National Senatorial Committee 

IMAGINE .... having all of this... AND MORE... for lunch on the 1st day of EARLY VOTING !! 
[ Yes!  ... Early voting in TN starts next week on Wednesday, October 17th !! ]

Many of you know that before President Bush nominated Alberto Gonzales to become his next US
Alberto Gonzales
Attorney General,
Al spent several years as the President's Chief Legal Counsel. Al's first role included a myriad of tasks including helping the President determine who to nominate for a Supreme Court opening and overseeing the confirmation process. Al also hired and oversaw the powerful legal staff the office of the President requires. For one of the most critical roles, Al hired a rising super star in the legal community, 
none other than ... Supreme Court Justice-to-be ... BRETT KAVANAUGH!  
Al also knows ALL the 2018 players [ McConnell, Schumer, Grassley, Feinstein, Graham, Collins and more]. You're invited to hear 1st-hand from someone who has been there before, and knows what has been going on behind the scenes the last 3 months. Rest assured ..... THIS WILL ANYTHING BUT BORING !! 

ALSO - We will get a private internal polling update from the Republican Nat'l Senatorial Committee.

WHAT an EVENT will have on Wednesday, October 17th !!

Doors at WALLER Law [511 Union Street] open at 11:00am. Lunch starts at 11:25 with program at NOON sharp! Al will follow a brief update from the RNSC with a Q&A session till 1:00pm. Event is $20 for 2018 Members and $25 for Guests. Secure seating at 

REMEMBER ... parking under the building is just $7 for 2 hours. 

Expect more updates ... AND ... Soon !!

Looking forward to seeing you on Wednesday, OCT 17th ... if not before [see events reminders below]
Tim Skow
Host of 1ST TUESDAY 

*  Nashville Republican Women meet OCT 10th -- featured guest, State Party Chairman Scott Golden
* DEBATE ... Marsha's last tangle with Phi Bredesen  ... Wednesday, OCT 10th at 6PM
* DEBATE ... Bill Lee and Karl Dean on FRIDAY - OCT 12th at 6pm

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