Monday, October 15, 2018

"Moderate" Bredesen spent nearly half a million dollars trying to elect liberals to office

Phil Bredesen talks about how he will be a moderate voice for Tennessee, but history shows he’s spent a small fortune supporting left-wing Democrats.

Bredesen has spent nearly half a million dollars trying to elect liberals to office and backing their out-of-touch policies, and in 2016 Bredesen proudly backed Hillary Clinton for President.
In a state President Trump won by 26 points, voters aren’t going to forget Bredesen fought tooth and nail to support a candidate who called them “deplorables.”
Phil Bredesen spent $460,691 bankrolling liberal Democratic candidates. (Philip Wegmann, “Phil Bredesen spent $460,691 bankrolling liberal Democratic candidates,” Washington Examiner, 6/6/18)
On August 27, 2016, Phil Bredesen Contributed $33,400 To The Hillary Victory Fund. (Hillary Victory Fund, October 15 Quarterly Report (Amended), Federal Election Commission, Filed 8/31/17, Pg. 7088)

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