Saturday, October 27, 2018

News from Tim Skow of First Tuesday

From Tim Skow:

1ST TUESDAY Members, friends and those who care about Nashville !

Thankfully ... Election Day is coming fast ... VERY FAST !

Here are 2 ''opportunities'' I hope you too will be excited to take advantage of as November 6th approaches

This Sunday SENATOR LINDSEY GRAHAM comes to Nashville on behalf of MARSHA BLACKBURN!
This FREE event is slated for 2:30-4:00pm at RAY's CABARAY SHOWROOM  in Bellevue.  
If you have not already put in an RSVP, please connect ASAP via 


For Nashville residents, nothing on the ballot threatens to impact local citizens more than Amendment 1.
ULTRA-liberal groups have proposed a ''Citizen Review Board'' trying to snatch oversight of the Nashville Police Department away from those who are elected and legally empowered including the TN Bureau of Investigation , our local District Attorney and many more. responsible. 

Please understand, people do not even have to be a citizen to be on the ''Citizen Review Board''   
Amendment 1 must be DEFEATED .... and here is your opportunity to help !!! 

Many know 1ST TUESDAY has a history of supporting our Members running for local area offices. 
JUDD COWAN, running for State Representative, has come forward to help defeat Amendment 1. 
In conjunction with our friend, Metro Councilman STEVE GLOVER, the attached radio spot has been created. For a mere $30 each, radio ads will run reaching large segments of voters around Nashville. 
In the past 1ST TUESDAY has offered to waive annual dues for those contributing $50 or more at a 1ST TUESDAY event to a 1ST TUESDAY Member on the ballot. 

FOR 2018 ONLY !!  
Anyone from this day forward who contributes at least $30 to Judd's radio spots campaign, your 2019 dues will be waived ! Time is short !!  Please visit Judd's website to and contribute at least $30 ! 
Judd says that ALL $$$ raised will go into his radio campaign and his mission to help defeat Amendment !
Contribute via Judd's website at Vote Judd Cowan for District 50 State House

IF ... you'd prefer to contribute by check rather than on-line, please call me at 615-429-7569. We can arrange a time place to meet and I will get your contribution to Judd's effort ASAP ! 

FINALLY, remember our November event for 1ST TUESDAY is slated for Monday, November 12th!
Our new 1ST TUESDAY website is about to go live. It still needs a bit of ''polishing'' ... but you too will have an opportunity add your feedback and ideas! 

Hope to see you this SUNDAY with Senator Lindsey Graham, Marsha and many more !
Please visit Judd's website to contribute... OR... give me a call and we will connect for your contribution!!
Then plan to join in on the VICTORY parties coming Nov 6th [ Marsha at the Cool Springs Marriott ] 
and for our next 1ST TUESDAY event on Monday, Nov. 12th !!!!

Thanks again.....  AND GO VOTE EARLY .... if you haven't already.
See you soon.
Tim Skow

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