Tuesday, October 16, 2018

Please vote for Judd Cowan in District 50

Judd Cowan
by Mark Rogers - If you are a resident of State House District 50, please vote early for Judd Cowan. Judd is the Republican in District 50 and he brings the skills we need to help with high tech issues that will face Tennesser in the coming years.

Judd is an engineer who understands how to secure our state computer systems so that our data and our services are protected. He is also well prepared to ensure that the outside companies we hire to do sophisticated computer programs are doing the job right the first time so we can get our school testing operating properly when we need it.

Judd is not a professional politician who puts reelection ahead of doing the right things. He is the sort of citizen legislator we need more of now.

Mark Rogers is a prominent Nashvillian active in Republican Party politics and public affairs.

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